About Me
Lora the Consultant with her dog Kira

Hello, Lora here!
It is truly wonderful to see you.

My journey in Canada began as an international student pursuing the M.Ed degree. I found a job on campus as an international student activity leader. This ignited a passion for international  education that has shaped my career since. For over a decade, from admissions to marketing and recruitment, I am fortunate for having served countless international students, their families and community members.

Among the wonderful people I have met here, there are stories of resilience and hope. One friend was sponsored by his partner to Canada at a time when same-sex marriage was not legally recognized. Another arrived with her parents as refugees escaping a war-torn homeland. Nearly all the images and videos featured on this website are contributions from individuals I have met in Canada. They are much like you and me - some navigating ways to establish roots, while some have relocated here after studying, forming relationships, and coming for a working holiday.

You are seeing Canada here through their eyes, their stories, and you are writing your own. We are each adding our  unique thread to this rich cultural tapestry.

That is why I decided to pursue the license of RCIC-IRB. I am driven by a heartfelt desire to serve individuals like you, and I take pride in what I do in being a part of your Canadian story. Your trust is everything, and I bring both expertise and a genuine desire to support you every step of the way. 

Immigration is personal. Your life that you envision matters to me. Connect with me and let us make it happen

A girl on Canada Day Celebration

Your Licensed Consultant

I am an active RCIC-IRB in good standing at the College of Immigration and Citizenship Canada (CICC), and a current member of Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). I also serve as the Communications Manager at ImmSeminars, a recognized professional education provider for RCICs and Canadian immigration lawyers. I believe in educating the public and fostering a healthy immigration environment through ethical practices.

  • Master of Education, University of Northern British Columbia
  • Graduate Diploma of Immigration and Citizenship Law, Queen’s University
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